Everyone can have a RawDonald’s Living Kitchen!
There are certain tools that allow you to thrive in a Raw Food Kitchen. Consider purchasing the following to ease your food preparation:
1. High-speed Blender. Blending foods allows for faster assimilation of nutrients and better digestion. Vitamix and Blendtec both make durable, well-built machines that are well differentiated from the traditional home blender.
2. Cold Press Slow Juicer. Hurom, Green Star Elite, or Omega are a few top options. A cold press juicer, such as a twin gear or masticating, yields the most juice, retains more nutrients, and preserves the majority of food enzyme activity. By design, the centrifugal juicers oxidize food faster and yield less juice. Cilantro and other greens typically end up majority pulp.
3. Water Purification System. This one is so important. Alkaline structured water is what most bodies need to thrive and get balanced. Most people are drinking acid water without even knowing it.
4. Cutting Boards. Its great to have wood cutting boards compared to plastic and even glass. If you are using ceramic knives, its better to cut into wood to keep the blade sharp and intact.
5. Quality Knives. We at RawDonald’s prefer ceramic knives, such as Kyocera. They make a beautiful tomato knife with a serrated edge. Sometimes we need a chef’s knife and that’s when we turn to MAC for their 8.5″ Chef’s Knife.
6. Nut Mylk Bag. Oh so useful in the process of making Almond Mylk and the like. Can’t live without one.
7. Strainer. We prefer the brand OXO. We love straining our juices and comes in handy when you need it.
8. Quart-sized, wide-mouth glass jars. Buy them by the case at your local grocery store. Extremely useful for soaking and sprouting nuts and seeds.
9. Sprouting jar lids. They help seeds breath and germinate.
10. Glass Storage Containers. Always better than plastic. You can savor the flavor.
11. Spiralizer. This lovely tool produces spaghetti noodles from fresh vegetables! Zucchini Spaghetti! Find it on Amazon.
12. Lemon Squeezer. When life hands you lemons, grab a lemon squeezer and pH balance that water baby! This amazing tool saves time and energy! Also helpful if you want to avoid lemon juice all over your hands! Find it at the kitchen store.
13. Large mixing bowls. We love them for washing our produce, holding our produce while we juice, and holding our juice, . We love bowl! LOL. Get like 5
14. Coconut Cleaver. We at RawDonald’s love opening up young fresh thai coconuts. A staple ingredient of our Cosmic Kale Chips!
15. Cherry Pitter. This crafty little number will only be useful during cherry season or when you want to pit an olive.
16. Fruit Baskets. As a raw vegans, we eat a lot of fruit. And you’re going to want to have enough fruit, so get organized and keep it well-managed.
What else do you feel you need in your Living Kitchen? We would like to know! love@rawdonalds.com
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