Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food
…the motto to heal the sick by natural foods because they became ill from malnutrition.
People are wising up. We are tired of being cut open, ill-treated, and made to suffer. We’re sick and tired of being sick and tired! It is time for new alternatives!
The longest living people on Earth eat organic, living, plant-based, enzyme-rich foods, consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, as well as germinated/cultured nuts, seeds, and grains. Such foods contain high levels of phytonutrients, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, glucose, fatty acids and enzymes. These bio-available foods feed and care for EVERY cell in our body.
What are Raw Living Foods?
Raw living foods are enzyme-rich foods that help us live a life full of abundant energy. They are uncooked, unheated, and unprocessed healing foods. When you cook food, you lose the nutrients and enzymes of that food. Nutrients and enzymes are the key building blocks of our existence. Cooking chemically changes the molecular structure of food which can convert into toxins, carcinogens, mutagens and free-radicals associated with our most common diseases. The overall quality of one’s life and well being improves by consuming raw vegan living foods containing a high level of enzyme activity.
What are the benefits of eating raw living foods?
Our quality of life and state of health we experience is based on our levels of enzyme activity. There are so many great benefits to be realized by consuming raw living foods! Some of these include:
∞ Looking and feeling better
∞ Reducing health risks and healing from disease
∞ Reducing inflammation and lymphatic fluid stagnation
∞ Slowing the aging process and furthering longevity
∞ Cleansing and detoxifying
∞ Maintaining an ideal body weight
∞ Increasing energy, vitality and stamina
∞ Enhancing memory and mental clarity
∞ Experiencing Happiness and developing compassion within and inner peace
∞ Better connection with self, spirit, and source
∞ Promoting kindness to animals
∞ Creating sustainability within our planet
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